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Mixed Media Textiles

Branch weaving

Walking, Walking in the Garden

Flower Weaving


Flower weaving is about taking the theme of “Site” out into the woods near my home. Taking time to tune into my body-being, to connect inside – emotionally, physically, mentally, energetically – coming from a place of embodiment as I make my art. Allowing myself to walk where I am drawn to walk, stopping where I wish to stop and then arriving in to connection with the land, trees and natural world. Beginning to move and/or make work from that which I am experiencing of this natural setting eg. the colours, the textures, the shapes and the taste of each season. I see where this leads my work next.














I have a wish to be weaving – weaving in my walking, my dancing/moving, in my artwork. I have been drawn to the small weavings of Sheila Hicks and the amazing colours woven together in the Lappish wall hangings. I am taking inspiration for the colours of the weaving work from nature. I am drawn to beautiful bright colours and how they contrast each other. I am also taking inspiration for the way nature weaves – the spiders, the vines, the birds. I would like to take these as a starting point from whence I can dive off.


Weaving, colour, nature and being connected, in my body, to where I am, is very calming and heartening, soul down. I need this right now, to find my way through this very intense and fragile time. This is a prayer, a meditation and a ritual that guides and informs the art that I make.

Yoni weaving


Yoni Nest

branch weaving 1- site- walk - foot path
Branch weaving - Yoni - colour study .jp
Tree hole weaving (1).jpg
trunk weaving- Finnish piece (1).jpg

I am beginning to think about using more natural fabrics and materials fro my weaving. As it breaks down, I wish that what's left behind will bio-degrade and eventually "leave not trace/harm". I love colour, so I experiment with dying cotton, linen, wool and string with plant and fruit dyes. 

Spring Sunshine weaving
Turmeric, lemon peel, daffodils & dandelions

Sunshine 8.jpg
Tree hole weaving.jpg

Garden twine, twigs and leaves

Blue bell wood weaving

String, Indigo, Goose grass & Fern leaves

Blue Bell woods - drawing.jpg
Blue bell weaving 4.jpg

Rhodedendrum weaving

String, Indigo, Beetroot, Avocado, Red Cabbage, Onion skins

Rock Art

Rock drawing .jpg
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